Super Hero Girl: Mom Drama
Imported from Super Hero Girl Friday December 14, 2001 2 Posts in Total Any original formatting removed. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2001 Wednesday was my birthday. It was really great. Until I was left at school until 5:15. DAMN! I hate carpooling, I really do. Karens parents are so irresponsible. And Karen didn't even go home w/ us today! It was lucky that I talked to Jeremy aka Jesus before he left. I was whining, I don't have a riiidddeee. But i was just messing around, 'coz it was only 3:30. He was like, really? and I said, no, my ride should be here in a little bit. so he was like, well, if they don't come, just call me okay? and I said okay, thinking I wouldn't need to b/c my ride would be there to pick me up in a couple minutes! But it was like 4:45, and school gets out at 3:10, so I was like, I guess her dad just isn't coming, so I called my friend Jesus. He is so wonderful, he showes up at 5:15 to take me home, and I live WAYYYY out of the way. I'm going ...