Princess and the Pea: waiting for Christopher
Imported from The Princess and the Pea Friday June 28, 2002 4 posts in total Formatting removed. See original posts (link above) for original formatting. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2002 whazzup my homie dawgs.... I'm just kidding...... Guess what I'm doing today? I'm going to CONNECTICUT! Ha! I'm going with Chris and his family for his Coast Gaurd Academy Induction ceremony. So, then I won't see him until thanx giving :`( Ohs wells. Let me tell you my weekend plans. Hehee Okay, Chris is picking me up this after noon at about 1700 - 1730. Tonite, we drive until about 2200 - 2300. We stay where ever for the night. We wake up and drive to Annapolis, Maryland. Thats where the Naval Academy is and Matt, Chris's brother. We stay in Annapolis that day and spend the night in Matt's apartment. Then on Sunday morning, we drive to New London, Connecticut. I don't know what we're doing all day. Monday morning, Christopher has to report. Then his induction ceremony. We lea...