I have to tell you... Yes? I've been stalking you. ... Oh. I should, umm-- WHAT? I don't-- Why? I don't know. Something... something about you-- You're insane. I get that a lot. I admire you. I am so impressed by who you are and your accomplishments. Normally this would be fine, but-- There's nothing normal-- But, all of a sudden, I'm looking you up in the phone book and-- You've never called-- Finding directions to you're house online. Driving past-- I KNEW that was your car. I said to myself 'no, what's she doing all the way out here. couldn't be--' Past your house at all hours of the day-- What! --and night Nothing good can come of this. I think about us being together. Not in a-- This isn't-- we have a proffessional relationship. I mean, you can't-- Not in a sexual way. Just-- *Thank God* --just hanging out. I want... I want to spend time with you. I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I understand. You intrigue m...
Showing posts from July, 2006