
Showing posts from July, 2008

There's a new stylist in town

Yesterday was change your hair day apparently, since both Sir Tim and K-Swiss decided to make radical changes to their hair. So did I, but that was at like 1 am. I gave myself a haircut , then K-Swiss dyed his hair green , and then Tim cut off his dreads ! Oh no he didn't! Yup. The wax was irritating his scalp and it was turning into a serious rats nest. And, I had a hand in all of it. I did my hair cut all on my own, naturally. I did K-Swiss's hair. And then I helped with Tim's hair. First, he asked me if I would cut his hair for him, but then he decided to just buzz it. While I was doing K-Swiss's hair, Sir Tim asks to borrow my scissors and then he comes back dread-less. So, then we go to Wal-Mart. K-Swiss buys some color-safe shampoo and conditioner and Sir Tim buys some clippers. I had SOOOO much fun clipping Sir Tim's hair. Seriously. I'd never buzzed anyone's hair before. Besides being messy and getting hair everywhere. It was a lot of fun. Lol. I...

K-Swiss Goes Green!

K-Swiss has wisely decided to dye his hair Sonic Green! I am such a bad influence (lol). And, yay!, he let me do it for him. Tons easier, really, than doing it yourself. About to start. K-Swiss wearing the cape I got with my highlighting tools kit. Dyeing  K-Swiss's hair!!! No turning back now! All colored, now we wait. If I look shiney in this pic, it's because there's no AC in the bathroom. The color all rinsed out. For some reason, the roots didn't take kindly to the color, even though you can see above that they are saturated. From the back, a lovely teal-green color! His hair is mostly dry now. Wow, we are colorful kids! (Ignore my bangs, they are doing crazy things. I kept playing with them) So, we're using the rest of the color to redo K-Swiss's roots. After I did all the roots, I combed everything back and just saturated the front. We felt that was the most important part to be colored. All dyed up. As you can see,...

New Hair Cut

I'm uploading these pix for my sis. She's very excited about doing my new hair. I just cut it. I wanted to cut off some of the damaged bit. I cut off a bit more than I originally intended, but I love how it looks. "Punky," says Tim. It's kinda messy right now because I haven't done anything with it today. Here I've got my hair pulled back It's a cute bob kinda 'do. I like! Longer in the back. Wow, that's bright! I wanted to show how it gets longer in the back. Also: AHHHH! My roots! Nooooooo. Oh well. You can't really tell that much for real.

QT vid

Sorry! It's really dark. Anyway, this is QT. And, Gahh! I'm talking in a baby voice. I've been poisoned by hammie cuteness!


Meet QT-3.14! Adorable Chinese hammie! This is his temporary housing. So little! Hello! Awww Hiding! This is the cage I would like to get him. It's the Habitrail OVO Pad . I want to get these attachments. I may only get one. This is the Habitrail OVO Den . This is the Habitrail OVO Tower ! So cool! I am just not sure if it's any good for Chinese hamsters.

i can has pink hair?

Everything needed to change my hair from black to pink and purple: Before I start! Here we go: Color stripping. See, it's already turning red and gold: After first color stripping. Now I have brown hair! First bleaching. Obviously I need help with the back. After first bleaching. Need to do it again. And need someone to check the back: 2nd color stripping: Oooh, golden-red. Pretty: 2nd bleaching: AHHHHH!!!! Blondie! No roots though: Pinking my hair and eyebrows: Highlighting the purple: Pink with purple highlights!!!! End results: gorgeous!!!! Click me to see all the pictures!!!!

Just like your sister!

Wanna get a quick and easy high? Get a train case Put all your nail polish and nail polish remover in it. Close it and store somewhere for a while. Like your closet, under some clothes and towels so you forget about it. When you find it again, open it back up and take a big whiff Pass out

RSS feed

By the way TIFFANY! I was able to put this blog on my Google Reader. I think you just don't love me. *sniff....*


Despite the beggings of Sir Tim, I've decided to blog about a recent conversation. In which Tim isn't wearing any underpants. That's right. He's got on a pair of khaki shorts and under that, a pair of running shorts. He's also not wearing a shirt. Instead, he's holding a shirt up to his chest. Why he doesn't bother to put it on is beyond me. Tim is sensitive about his nipples. He says I make fun of them. I merely remind people of their existence. Mostly because it bothers him. When he walks into the room, he isn't even holding the shirt up to his chest. M:NIPPLES! Nipples, nipples, nipples! T:Gahh! *holds shirt up to his chest* M:Why does that bother you so much? T:I don't like you making fun of my nipples. M:I'm not making fun. I'm simply shouting: NIPPLES!!! ... M:Are you wearing shorts under your shorts? T:Yeeaahhh.... I'm out of clean boxers. M:So... you're not wearing any underwear? T:WHAT? NO! I'm wearing two p...


YAY! I'm still alive! And my hair is pink. Photos to come. Looks like I scared that big bad bee off. Ehh, yep. I'm pretty intimidating when I need to be.

Last Post Ever

I'm about to go rinse the bleach from my hair but I should let you know: earlier there was a big scary bee in there. K-Swiss went in to kill it, but it disappeared. It's probably in hiding, waiting to kill me. And eat me. I'm pretty sweet, you know. So, this will probably be my last post ever. 'Cuz, I'm about to die at the ... umm ... antennae? -- of a big scary bee. But my hair will be vividly blonde. If I survive, I have a surprise!

I'm a blonde at heart

Yesterday, I began the many stepped process of changing my hair color. This is taking longer than it ever has before because I'm using color stripper and bleaching. Plus, I'm giving my hair breaks in between. Yesterday, I stripped the color and then bleached it. Today, I'm repeating this process over because it didn't get light enough. I knew I would have to. About to start! Very excited! Got the color stripper in my hair. Hair is rinsed and conditioned. You can see that the color stripper took out not only the dye but some of my actual color. This is good, gives me a head start with the bleaching Getting ready to bleach my hair. Mixing up the Jerome Russel Punky Bleach Kit in 40 vol. Look how golden its getting!!!! There's also some red. My hair all washed and dried. It's in a ponytail b/c we were getting ready to go to Wal-mart. You can see in this picture that the ends and the back are still pretty red. That's why I'm re-stripping and bleaching it tod...