
Showing posts from August, 2009

Engendered... lol

So, I absolutely have not blogged in a long time. Right now, I'm still at my RuffleJob, but I'm off the clock. I get off at 4:30 on Mondays, but I don't have to be at KSW until 6:15. Which means I leave here at 5:45. I've got about 1 hour to kill right now. I'll probably leave at 5:30. Either way, I'm basically blogging because I'm procrastinating from working on my thesis. I guess I'll work on it tonight. My thesis is on how one's pre-college educational environment effects the attitudes toward traditional gender roles that one develops. Pretty exciting. I accidentally used the word engendered when writing about my topic the other day. I wasn't sure if it was a pun. I had to ask the boyfriend. I'm not very good at these things. Anyway, my biggest issue is finding an appropriate measurement of one's attitude toward traditional gender roles. I'd like to stop by the school and do an inter-library loan on a couple books, but the man who ...

My own place

Both of my roomies are moving out this weekend. I'm quite happy to finally have my own place. First of all, I never have to worry if someone else forgot to lock the doors at night or turn the oven off or something like that. When I'm fully responsible for everything, I feel better; more confident that things get done right. I'm converting the second bedroom into my study. BOOKS EVERYWHERE. It'll be wonderful. My parents are bringing up a bookshelf for me, in addition to some other things. I'm also going to start scouring yard sales and craig's list for bookshelves and other things I need for my home. But, I had been lending one of my roomies my down comforter since he moved here in February. I lurve my comforter. It is so warm and wonderful. However, my roomie had nothing, bed wise, so I was happy to loan it. My roomie held on to the comforter until this week, at which point he washed it and ruined it (also, he had bled on it previously. Yuck. Didn't t...

Tim Loves Ethan


Business Professional

Apparently, that is what I am now. I get business cards soon. For all your ruffly needs. I've found that I rather enjoy joining the rest of the suits and skirts on the daily commute. I listen to the radio and drink my coffee, run through my never ending To Do list. I realize that I have a "real job" now. It's pretty sweet. I have tons of responsibility that I never had before; if I screw up here, it effects more than just me and my paycheck. That being said, I am often asking for MORE responsibility. "Whatever I can do..." I mention to my BossLady, a mother and owner of a small business. Every week here is more crazy than the last, she's told me. It's so true. I'm still learning... learning a lot. Tomorrow, I have to call a bunch of people who applied to become retailers. "I'm kind of unsure...." What do I ask? What do I say? Suggestions and answer for their many questions? "And, that's okay!" says BossMan. I'm not...