Vote or Die
Actually, if you don't vote , nothing will happen. But I will be super sad. I recently blogged about one of my most favorite Blogosphere Celebrities evar: Violet Lebeaux Well, I am one of the top three finalists in her giveaway !!!!! I would really appreciate it if you could vote for me!! Violet is an amazing girl who I would love love love to meet (if I'm ever in Australia!). But, I'll settle for receiving some of her goodies . I'm most excited about the nails, the umbrella, and the rings! I love rings! So, please check out her blog and vote for me !!!! Everyone who votes gets either 1) a beverage of your choice 2) a cupcake OR 3) hugs hugs hugs. (I think #3 is the best choice) You must visit me in order to receive your prize.** **I'M KIDDING! I am not bribing people to vote for me . But, of course, anyone who likes can have hugs. And we can go to Amelie's and get delicious pastries. Or find a nice pub and get our drink on.** Anyway, please please please vote...