
Showing posts from July, 2010

Vote or Die

Actually, if you don't vote , nothing will happen. But I will be super sad. I recently blogged about one of my most favorite Blogosphere Celebrities evar: Violet Lebeaux Well, I am one of the top three finalists in her giveaway !!!!! I would really appreciate it if you could vote for me!! Violet is an amazing girl who I would love love love to meet (if I'm ever in Australia!). But, I'll settle for receiving some of her goodies . I'm most excited about the nails, the umbrella, and the rings! I love rings! So, please check out her blog and vote for me !!!! Everyone who votes gets either 1) a beverage of your choice 2) a cupcake OR 3) hugs hugs hugs. (I think #3 is the best choice) You must visit me in order to receive your prize.** **I'M KIDDING! I am not bribing people to vote for me . But, of course, anyone who likes can have hugs. And we can go to Amelie's and get delicious pastries. Or find a nice pub and get our drink on.** Anyway, please please please vote...

I also like a slight panda eye

Where I live isn't exactly the center of fashion. Lots of rednecks, actually. But I like to wear something a little edgy every now and then. I like wearing boots with shorts in the spring and fall when it's too cold for shorts but still cool enough for boots. I also like wearing denim with black tights, very occasionally. I've also sported heels with socks. I absolutely love these styles. I get weird looks whenever I wear these edgier trends, I get an awful lot of weird looks. I don't really care because most of those people, I'll never see again. And I feel really confident in these trends, so nay-sayers can bite me.

Why don't you love me?

This video is amazing and gorgeous. Watch it. NAO. P.S. Petrilude has an awesome tutorial on how to get the "cried off your makeup" look KTHXBYE

Introducing: Violet LeBeaux

Image is truly one of my favorite blogs. I never ever miss one of her posts. I knew nothing about the Hime Gyaru fashion before I stumbled upon her blog. It's super cute, frilly, sparkley, lacy, and everything girly. So wonderful. She posts tutorials about how to transform simple, everyday objects like a pillow case and two scarves or a cardboard Pringles tube into something wonderful! She adds a much needed girly touch to items with blah, such as decoing head phones or customizing a pair of boots . Or her DS ! This is so cute! What I love about her blog is her creativity! She provides a way for people to dress in Hime Gyaru fashion without spending an arm and a leg! Violet is currently hosting a giveaway . To enter you have to come up with an elevator pitch for her. Whether you want to enter her contest, or just find out more about what this "Hime Gyaru" is all about, head to to learn more. All photos owned by Violet LeBeaux! I'm ju...

New Blog on the Blog

Elizabeth Gomez blogs from the brand new " Heels and Lipstick ." In a super generous move, she is already hosting her first giveaway ! I encourage you to check her blog out. It looks like she'll be posting makeup tutorials and reviews, as well as fitness and decorating tips!