
Showing posts from April, 2012

The next step: Tackle the bookshelves

God, I have so many books. I have soooo many books it's not even funny. Three crammed full bookshelves. So many books that I haven't read or that I ended up just reading an e-book version of them. Last night I pulled about 30 books off of my shelves and listed them on Some of them, such as my sociology texts, are work beaucoup bucks! Because I'm a "Just Launched" seller on Amazon, I've got my books at the lowest price. I'm also including tracking, free of charge, for books that cost more than $5.00. I woke up this morning to check my email and I had already sold two of my paperbacks! I've got them packed up and I'll ship them out at lunch time. It's nice to be getting some money back from the clutter in my room. Yes, I'm considering books clutter because I have so many of them. I have some books that I wouldn't think of selling. Those aren't clutter. The random old textbooks and paper back novels which have hardly b...

This weeks routine. Feels good!

I haven't been blogging everyday, but I have been journaling each morning and evening. I have a bit of a routine. Wake up about 6am (I still haven't been able to wake up without hitting snooze!) turn on bedside light. Stretch. Journal. Journal about night and my sleep. Journal about plans for the day. Spend some time sitting quietly. Meditating if I can. About 6:30, get out of bed, feed pets. Wash up. (Shower, wash face, brush teeth, whatever). Put on make up, style hair, get dressed. This puts us right around 7:30. Grab lunch and head out. I'm usually in my car by 7:40, which makes the commute to work so much more leisurely. I don't feel rushed or stressed. My after work routine: Grocery shopping (if it's a cooking day) and drive home Feed pets, get out of work clothes, and cook dinner (or heat up left overs) Eat, yum yum yum, with Kevin. Maybe while watching a show. Open time: play or clean or read or whatever until 9:00-9:30. Around 9:00 - 9:30, I ...

Today's morning, hopefully to become a routine

I was able to wake up at 6am today. A little shy of my 5:30 goal, but it's progress. If you remember, I went about a month of waking up around 5-5:30 every day and was able to eventually do it without an alarm clock. I don't remember what happened. Vacation maybe. But I'd like to get back there and keep it long term. After I woke up, I sat in bed for a minute. I quickly realized how easy it would be for me to slump back under the covers. So, I swung my feet off the bed and trundled into the bathroom to floss, brush, and wash my face. I figured if I could just drag myself to the bathroom, even while mostly asleep, a little mouthwash and a splash of water to the face will wake me quickly. It worked. I returned to my bedroom and tried to meditate for a couple minutes . It was difficult and I'm easily distracted. Next, I pulled out my journal. I started it last night, just stating my accomplishments of the day and my goals for the next day. I thought about my night, and...

30 by 30 update

If you look at the tabs above, you can see that I've made a 30 by 30 tab . As I finish my goals, I'll update each item with a link after I blog about that one. Lets look at my progress thus far on the 30 by 30 project. 10. Start attending a Martial Arts Class. DONE! Kind of. I've started attending a Kung Fu class with K-Swiss. I haven't actually signed up, but I've been to a couple classes as a visitor. I'm officially signing up on Wednesday. One of the reasons I chose this class is that K-Swiss does it with me! Also a friend from work attends the class (he introduced us). Because this is not KSW, I'll probably pick a new #11 28. Parr down and clean up the bedroom. Begun! I threw out a lot of crap over the weekend. I also have a bag of clothes for Goodwill, a basket of clothes/shoes/accessories for Plato's Closet, and a gift bag and shoebox full of stuff that I'm going to try and sell online*. My makeup has been parred down to a single train ...


Since I started throwing out all my belongings (I took out a giant trash bag yesterday full of holey socks, ugly and/or poor fitting under things, expired lip gloss, makeup that no one wants, worn out flip flops, etc etc) I haven't had much of a desire to shop. I have enough crap. Yet, scrolling through my Google Reader - Play this morning, I saw something I need. Something I have to have. You guys, two words. Ombre. Tights. I know I know! Brilliant! I like the black to fuchsia best. They are wayyy too pricy though. I wonder if I could make my own? Buy a pair of pink tights and some black Rit. Hmmm... (The answer is no. At least, no time soon. I'm way too lazy.) Where to buy

Gaming is good for you

Source: Frugal Dad

What to do when you're tired of holding a baby

I missed blogging yesterday. This is dumb. Why did I chose to do it now when the accreditation team is in town for the substantive change visit?????? It's a little hairy over here, you guys.


SACS is in town tonight. I'm busy. Daily posting is for chumps. That is all.


another short post. L-money got married and what not. And stuff. there. Post Did not loose my place in the 30 days I have had a little to drink

Yeah yeah yeah

Went to a different kung fu class today. It was awesome. I think Imma join. K-Swiss is joining with me. I only posted this so I don't loose my freaking streak and have to start over again.


Something happens to my brain when I hear the word "Bacon." My co-worker just said it in the context of a joke. And now... Bacon. BACON. So, dinner tonight will be bacon butties. Bacon sandwiches with a slice of tomato, a bit of mayo, and a dash of salt and pepper. NOM NOM NOM

Pictionary To Go

I started playing Draw Something. Only problem is I draw like a 2 year old. I suck so very hard, but it's a fun game. I am pixel star. Or you can find me via facebook if we're facebook friends. We can make shitty drawings together.

Digital Declutter

In addition to selling off my possessions, I'm also attempting to minimize the non-tangible clutter in my life. I take too much time out of my life to organize and deal with unnecessary clutter. Unsubscribing from junk email . I don't need weekly emails from PetSmart, Ulta, Victoria's Secret, TJ Maxx, etc. Unsubscribing from useless subreddits . I've unsubscribed from anything terribly circle-jerky (such as r/atheism), any of the fashion subreddits (I don't need to see 20 different amateur NOTDs and FOTDs. If you're good, I'll follow your blog). I'm keeping things that hold my long term interest: games and ask science, for example. Deleting useless apps. When I got my iphone, I immediately downloaded 6 pages of apps. I have since deleted several, and downloaded several more. I've got about five pages of apps. Deleting useless apps will include any games that I feel "burdened" to play regularly. Cleaning up contacts. There a lots of ...


I've made kind of a crazy decision. I'm going to be purging my possessions before I'm allowed to buy another single thing (besides food. I can buy food). The purge will include: books, clothes, shoes, purses,belts, jewelry, makeup. This will not be easy, but I've seen a lot of overlap in the things I own. Honestly, how many black long-sleeved tees do I need? In my minds eye, I can already pick out the favorites that I wear constantly. The black brogue pumps are staying. Any other black pumps will high tail it outta here. I'm going to throw out all the lotions that are half used and six years old. I'm going to start throwing my hordes of paperback fiction novels onto I'm going to throw out most of my lip gloss and mascara (that desperately needs to be done anyway). I've found that I use the same seven products every day, give or take a handful. I won't call myself minimalist because, for example, my goal is to pare it down to 10-...


Wooo! I am 30 minutes away from completely missing my deadline for day 3 of 3 days of blogging. I told you some posts would be boring and/or short. This is a great example of that. Today was a good day. It's my first paid day off ever. EVER. I sat around. Watched Buffy (because Buffy is AWESOME). Watched Kevin play video games while I did some puzzles (love puzzles). Went to Wing Chun class, which was neat.  Not a great workout, but a really neat style. Oh and Supernatural is an awesome show. It's kinda scary for me (I'm basically a wuss). I can't watch it unless Kevin is here, which is fine because we're watching it together and he'd be pissed if I watched an episode without him. Oh and Lwaxana Troi is basically the worst recurring character in the Star Trek universe. Ever.


The biggest lies in the Life of Stargirl. In no particular order After this year, your work won't be accepted unless it's written in cursive You need a college degree to be successful, unless you want to be flipping burgers If you have a college degree, you're basically guaranteed a great job with great pay Drugs and alcohol are AWFUL AND DANGEROUS and will pretty much kill you.  The food pyramid There are most definitely 100% positively WMD's in Iraq "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions" Your cat ran away Too much caffeine will stunt your growth With liberty and justice for all Y2K This is one of those papers that you can't write the night before it's due Internet Piracy is destroying the internet If you find an Indian shooting a start on a Tootsie-Pop wrapper, you can send it in for more free Tootsie-Pops. If you pee in the pool, the water will turn purple "Permanent Record" You'll get that social secur...

All I have are questions, no answers.

Was there as much uproar when Morgan Freeman played Red in The Shawshank Redemption as there is for Amandla Stenberg's portrayal of Rue? What about when Halle Berry took on the role of Cat Woman (you know, before we saw the movie and found out it sucked?) Or Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter. Though I bet there would be an uproar if Q was portrayed by a black man. (Because of his role in the most recent batman films, I could see Morgan Freeman as Q.) And these were black actors portraying white characters. Rue is a black actress portraying a BLACK character. Despite the description of Rue having "dark brown skin and eyes", people are up in arms about having " some black girl " portray the blonde sweetheart in their minds eye. Are readers so selective in the words they take in? I had always thought that the younger generations were less racist. More comfortable with people of other colors than their own. Then why did hordes of  Hunger Games lovers assume eve...

30 days of blogging, take two.

Shoooooooot. I forgot to blog on Saturday and Sunday. Now I have to start over. I haven't heard back from PSBN J about Kuk Sool Won. I'd email Kwan Jang Num directly, but I want to make sure I'm not going to be cramping PSBN J's style first. I've given him enough heartache. If he wants me to butt out of his domain (and I do consider Kuk Sool Won, especially under the same master, his domain) then I will. Anyway, there is an Aikido school around here. I'm going to check them out tonight. I'd still prefer to do Kuk Sool Won, but until I hear otherwise from PSBN J, I'm going to assume doesn't want me in his classes. Depending on how much tuition for aikido/kuk sool won costs, I may or may not keep my YMCA membership. I love BodyPump classes, and until I can lift more than 40 lbs at home (that's the highest weight I have, and it's in adjustable dumbbells) it would benefit me to keep going to the Y. I may check out if one of the other local...