Not right now trauma bonding!
A friend messaged me today about visiting. I told her I was going through a lot and it's not a good time. She said she understood, asked if I needed to talk, but I think she really needed to talk because she started telling me about her recent trauma which is actually a worst nightmare of mine (accidental ectopic pregnancy while on Kyleena IUP). She says she was having flashbacks to her rape. And I felt my anxiety rise. I already felt anxious about telling her I couldn't handle a visit right now, but now I felt more. I started to feel panicky. I vented to my teammates. I reminded myself that I'm safe. I suggested she speak to a trauma therapist. Reminder to myself that I am proud of myself for trying to set a boundary. I should not feel guilty for not being able to allow my friend unload on me. I do not have the capacity at this time.