Super Hero Girl: Friends with Christopher

Imported from Super Hero Girl

Monday November 12, 2001
Single Post
Any original formatting removed.


Ever since i was twelve, I have been convinced I wouldn't live past seventeen. Well here it is folks, its all comming together! So like, almost a month a go, I took a picture of my friend Chris. He HATES having pictures taken of him, to the extent that he wanted to break my camera and nearly did. Well, he was gracious enough to give me a month to get the film developed and give him the pictures(both copies) and the negative. If i didn't have it to him by november 13, my house gets burned down. Isn't it fate that I left the iron on today on my bed and i think my house is going to burn down now. Anyway. Its the 12th. I have the pictures I just haven't seen chris!! What am I going to do???? Geeeeez. Well I'm going to call him, I'll say that much!!! But He's probably going to burn my house down tonite.... Well, I'll miss everyone!!
I hope you miss me! Come to my funeral!!!
~Mary Veronica~


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