I have decided to let the world (or merely who ever happens to read my blogs) read this special little peice I have written. Yes, okay, I have already let the world of ff.net read it, and I got a few wonderful reviews. Please enjoy.... Love


I never realized what it was until I met you. I knew you for years, but I never took the time to look into your eyes. And finally, I met you. I got to know you a little more. I was hurt and you were a friend. You were hurt and I was a friend. And together we healed each other. Little by little. Each day, discovering a little more. And you helped me see that the world wasn't all that bad. And I showed you that it's okay to cry. And you told me that some people still are good. And together we came to believe in such a thing as love. Something so powerful, yet indescribable. We guided each other through this tangled web some like to call life. Together, life began to have meaning. Together we learned the meaning of true happiness.

Now, you are gone. You are miles away. As I wait for you and as I write to you, I know we are both dreaming the same dream, waiting for the day when we can hold each other again.

Reviews for Love...
Short--yet so touching!! It's something that will make its mark and has the power to inspire!! I really....loved it.
-- "Lil"
Beautiful and well written. There are really no other words for it. Keep writing.
-- "Samantha J. Mulder"

That is the most beautiful thing I have ever read and I have hardly ever had a romantic sentiment in my life. I've not really been sure I've had a heart up till now. I mean, I'm the girl who laughed until she cried at the Candy Man and other horror movies. Whoever you wrote that for is really lucky and really special. ^_^
-- "fairyglitter"


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