You want... Poetry? How about demented poetry? The scary Stuff? About the crazed poet? Or the suicidal girl?

She sees a gun, a vision in her head,
The metal gleams, Fills her head with shattered thoughts
She cocks the gun, and aims around
She points it at him
He cowers. She cries. She closes her eyes.
He falls into a crimson stain.
She looks at her hands.
Black powder. She rubs and rubs
It won't go away. No soap or scrubing will remove it.
And All that's left, is a vision

Well? I wrote that on the spot. I swear. The black powder and rubbing and scrubbing won't remove the stain. Its a reference to MacBeth. The girl in the poem is showing her guilt. I thought about the vision of her with a gun when I woke up. I was listening to *Poe*. She inspires me sometimes. Her music is creepy... Her's another example of a poem I thought up after falling asleep to *Poe*. It's not as creepy...

Hey Pretty
Don’t you even want to enter in the fight?
My Darling
Aren’t you even gonna kiss me good night?
I want to be your one desire…
I want to be your Ever-Lasting fire
Please hold me tight
I’m drowning in these tears
Satisfy my hunger for you,
After all these years.

The "Hey Pretty" is an obvious reference, but all the rest is mine... Well? Yea, my poetry is rather obscure....

I gotsta go. I'm going car shopping... Bye!


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