I worked out today for the first time in a few months. Only about 1/2 hour. I hope to eventually work it up to more tough stuff. I'm not very fit. Thin, skinny, does not equal fit. Infact, underweight is bad. My goal is to gain six pounds by December 12th. This gives me one month. I need to begin to start running... a lot. Like get up to three miles. and I have to work on my push ups, sit ups, and pull ups... blah
Dear Frog-- What can I say but: I told you so? I don't mean to sound so harsh, but from the beginning, I figured I was destined to "fuck up," as I so put it. And, well, I fucked it all up. I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but so it goes. It is in my nature. Did I not tell you this before? Perhaps, someday there will be one whom I will not sting. I will change my very nature to help this person cross the stream. Oh, but dear Frog, I feel now that I cannot say that I wish I hadn't messed everything up. As wonderful as our times were together, I feel I would have stung you eventually. As you nurse your wounds, know I will always remember you. I hope that one day you can forgive me. Scorpion _______________________________________ The Scorpion and the Frog A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Becaus...