i have been bitten by a lurv bug as i told stevo. Not really love. duh. but i like him. (alan) and i enjoy his company. and we did taxes together. if that isn't infatuation i don't know what is... that is a joke. i am not infatuated.

Alan and I mesh so freaking well together. Better than most relationships I have (relationships as in anybody not just romantic). He's so animated and fun and young. We really did do taxes. And it was enjoyable. Because we spent five straight hours with each other just sitting on the floor of my room and going through stuff and rattling off numbers and handing each other receipts and giving each other random encouragement kisses.

I dig him. he's great.

He got me a giant catapillar from the fair in NC. I named him Legs. He is super. I love cuddling with him

Well I am going to go to bed and do just that...


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