Name: Mary Veronica ******

Age: Almost 19

Birthdate: Tomorrow, but 19 years ago

Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius

Location: Anderson, SC

Birthplace: Alameada, CA

Nickname: Bits, Kibble, Mary V, Princess, Lil One, Lil Bit, Rhapsody

Screen Name: Fairi Kitty

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Deep dark brown

Height: 5'1.25

Weight: 95 lbs

Piercings: Earings

Tattoos: Yes, I love shoving needles with ink in my skin repeatedly

Braces: No, no, no

Freckles: One my nose and cheeks.... and one on my eye

Wavy/Straight/Curly Hair: Frizzy somtimes, but straight mostly :-D

Hair Length: A few inches past my shoulders

Color of Nails: clear... and underneath that is a nice beigy tone I like to call "Flesh"

Do you bare down hard when you write: Sorta moderate between bearing down and writing lightly

What is on your keychain: It's called a carabiner and it has house keys, like anderson house and greenville house, and it's got 2 pony tail holders

Hobbies: Crossword puzzles, movies, coffee, boys

Job: I am not allowed to earn money, but I am a franciscan volunteer and I sure would call that work. I work at a school for kids who have dicipline problems and trouble controling their anger and I also work at the anderson free clinic filling perscriptions and answering phones in the pharmacy

School: Ask me next year

Car: Sparky, a 2002 silver caravan

Have you ever worked for a resturaunt: Nope

Do you have a pencil blister: Duh, I am what you call a "writer"

Do you have those little white marks under your nails: Those are from stress... do I look stressed to you?

How many: did i say I had any? no

Do you have long/short nails: moderate. Everything in moderation my dear

What are you wearing right now: pj pants and a white tank top and socks. That's all

What time is it: 2:38 am... i made the mistake of having sweet tea at about 9:30 (that means caffeine)

Date: 11 December 2003


color: Red

song: As long as I'm singin', there's a bell up in my brain that's ringin', making a crazy ding dong! And if this band don't desert me, then there's nothin' in this world can hurt me, long as i'm singin' my song!!!! (bobby darin)

number: 13 or 9

movie: Hahha, just saw bad santa... yea tiff, you would hate it.... and I like midnight in the garden of good and evil

actress: Julia Roberts

actor: Tom Cruise (ride into the danger zone baby)

singer: Bobby, Frank, Dean, Sammy, DUH!!!! (That would be: darin, sinatra, martin, and davis jr.)

group: I like it when billy joel and elton john get together. Hmm groups... dunno...smashing pumpkins spin me round

commercial: The identity theft commercials rock my socks off

Car: '95 silver ford probe or a convertible le baron

Saying: "Super"

Quote: "You can be my peanut butter anytime"

Song Lyric:
There's gotta be more to life, than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me

Time of day: If I can make it, I dig wee hours: early morning (5 or 6) and late night (2 ish), but in general, late morning

House: yes... shelter is good.... my favorite house? OH well the one that's on that waterfall of course! but something cute and quaint will suffice nicely

Subject: boys

Teacher: Carlos and Lisa are not profs of mine, but they are cool friends :-D

Clothing Store: Good Will

Feeling: Peace

Shoe: flip flops

Jewelry: hoop earings

State: South Carolina

Place to Be: In fellowship with others

Fruit: Strawberries or pears... or strawberry kiwi smoothie

Meat: any seafood: squid, scallops, shrimp, tuna steaks, sushi, yummm


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