Moody Monday

Theme: Toxic

And, for a bonus, of course: Britney Spears in Toxic....


Anonymous said…
Do you think Ms. Spears will ever return to fighting shape, or is she going to have a fat Brittney phase like Elvis?
Pixel said…
Hmm, tough question. I think that she desires to return to the industry. She seems swept up in the party scene now. I think she'll get in shape, make a comeback, but then everyone will be, "oh, yeah, Brintey. Well, I used to listen to her. What new?" No one will really care and it will flop.
Anonymous said…
That could very well be the case. That's the fun of life, we'll get to watch her and find out!!
Pixel said…
May I be curious and ask if you're a frequenter of my blog? Do you have a website or blog that I could like wise peruse (or even a facebook, lol)?
Anonymous said…
Haha, No Way! I don't want people on the internet checkin' out my life, that's crazy! I will let you know that I found my way to your most excellent blog by a quite roundabout route indeed. I did a search for "drunk Milwaukee girls" witch led me to blog, which had a link for a Southern woman named Tiffany, who thinks she looks like someone from a Nemo movie and somehow got herself into the boy scouts despite lacking what would seem like one obvious credential (well two really, since she's in her twenties), and from there to a link here. Whereupon I saw one Brittney Spears picture circa 1997, her prime, and thought to ask a dumb question. All of this on company time, of course :)
Pixel said…
HAHA! I wonder why drunk milwaukee girls would pull up Tiffany!!! That's my dear sis. And, I guess I was being to forward! I fully understand you not wanting to put yourself out there. :-)

There is a group of boy scouts called Venture which is Co-ed and these are they who run the boy scout camp. Also, you can be in boy scouts well past the high school years. Who else would be a scout master? :-)
Anonymous said…
There's nothing you could do that would be foreword, I'm on YOUR blog after all! I'm a jerk for not having my own :) I'm just internet paranoid that someone will steal all my info, come shoot me and assume my identity! I didn't know any of that about the boyscouts. If scouts are over 18 shouldn't they be considered Manscouts (or Womanscouts?)
Pixel said…
Lol, She'll like that! Woman scout...

Here is the wikipedia entry on venture:

And the older scouts are usually caleld scout leaders or such (as, well... that's what the do) :-)
Anonymous said…
Neat-0. The venture hand sign should have been the Vulcan gang sign that Spock always used to throw though; The description sounds like a normal wave.
Anonymous said…
Drunk Milwaukee Girl search brought up a Blog from a girl in Milwaukee who gets drunk who had a link to Tiffany who has a link to you. Only 3 degrees of seperation, we've still got plenty of links left to make it to Kevin Bacon :)

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