So, the more I stay here, the more domesticated I feel. Yesterday, I made split pea soup (yum!) and then when Jeff got home, we had some soup then went to the movies. After the movie, we did the dishes together. I put the food away (it had been staying warm in the crock pot) and made his lunch.

Wow. It's really really weird.

Also, my doctor told me to eat more fruit. So, for breakfast today, I had yogurt and a banana. I hate bananas. I didn't know how much I disliked them. I knew I didn't love them, but after eating half the banana, I really had to choke the rest down. Oh well, if it'll help, that's all that matters.


Anonymous said…
The banana is my favorite fruit of all. It goes down easy, tastes sweet, and prevents cramps after extended workout sessions (extremly high in potassium)
Anonymous said…
So, you're living in sin again? Why do you two choose not to get married?
Pixel said…
Do you assume that we're having sex? Because we're not. Now, I'm rather short, but I'm gonna find someone to toss you off your horse.
Anonymous said…
Wha! I've dismounted that particular horse a couple times of my own accord. In the end, it never works out. I'm just trying to keep the pretty girls from making the same dumb mistakes I do :) You can pick your sins, but you can't choose their consequences!

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