I'm A Big Girl!

I'm so proud of me! All grown up. Doing my own taxes. Filling out my own FAFSA. I'm all done except for mailing in the 8453 OL form.

Estimated family contribution: $0. THAT'S RIGHT. No one else can claim me this year. I get the rebate and hopefully some kinda better need-based scholarship.

Gubment man betta gimme mah munny!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Give you your money back you mean, it was yours in the first place.
Pixel said…
What about the $300 rebate?
Anonymous said…
Did you pay more than that in federal taxes? Congrats, they gave you back money you paid them.
Pixel said…
No you idiot. I'm getting my refund (the money I paid) and the rebate. The money I DIDN'T pay.

Yes, I know that your tax refund is the government giving you back the money you gave them. A tax free loan. Thank you SOOOO much for the lesson.
Anonymous said…
They refund you 100% of what they withhold?
Anonymous said…
Mary, have you read the rules about who gets a rebate? You better check again to make sure you're getting one. Dad and I aren't sure.
Anonymous said…
I think you had to gross $3,000 in order to qualify for a rebate. U need to wurk more hours.
Pixel said…
I have checked. I am getting the rebate. Why aren't you getting the rebate, Tiffany?

The rebate, anonymous, is separate from the refund.

Anonymous said…
Bah girlie, I know all about it! I'm just trying to fill you with my illustrious knowledge! And also, to make you post lolcat pics.

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