Simon Belmont

Oh, I've decided what to do about the lack of photos. I'm sending some pix of Simon, my hamster, from my phone to my computer. I'll post them on Red Cat Stills. You should realize that Simon's full name is Simon Belmont. Get it? Get it? No, it's got nothing to do with my geographical location.


Anonymous said…
Oh you gamer grrl you.
Anonymous said…
Simon Belmont? I didn't get it until I googled it.
Pixel said…
You're not nerdy enough, but we played the game Simon's Quest on our SNES. Remember this game, you had a whip, and you were in this town and at nighttime, all the nice townsfolk turned into baddies and you had to hit them with your whip? And then something about going into the woods... but I don't remember.

"What a terrible night for a curse..."
Anonymous said…
I guess there's only one girl gamer in the family.

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