DIY Pore Strips
(Oh my god. Really? That's disgusting. BTW, not my face. Photo courtesy of Scooter and Jinx. )
Biore pore strips will run you around $8 for a pack of 14 strips. Alternatively you can mix a couple common household products and slap that on your face for the same effect. True story.
Inspired by Michelle Phan/Rice Bunny, I decided to make my own pore strips. It's not really so much of a strip. It's more like a mask.
Okay, so I used Knox flavorless gelatin. You can get a box with four packets at Walmart for around $1.50 (at least that was the price here). Then I got a small thing of milk. We don't drink a lot of milk. I also picked up a Walmart brand duo foundation/concealer brush for around $2.50, since I think I tossed out my e.l.f. one a while back when the ferrule disconnected from the handle.
Preparation: mix one ounce flavorless gelatin and one ounce milk. Heat for, like, 15 seconds? in the microwave (watch the video. That will give you the deets.) Use a foundation brush that you don't care so much about and brush that mixture onto your face -- once it has cooled some. Not too much. Or else it will solidify.
I prepared the mixture. It was goopy and smelled funny. Kind what you would expect from flavorless jello and milk. Gross.
(It should look like this before you microwave. Photo from
I brushed it onto all of the typical pore strip areas: around my nose, on my chin, and on my forehead. It was pretty warm, but not painfully hot. It began to dry quite quickly and it felt just like I had a thick layer of a peel of mask on my face.
After waiting for it to dry completely, I started with my chin and pulled that off. So much fun. I don't know about you, but I lurve pull of masks! I could see a few white peaks. And I could definitely feel the lack of sebum. Nice.
Next, I continued onto my forehead, and finally, my nose.
Now, Michelle claims that this will not be painful, since it's natural and not a synthetic glue. Because I tear up when I pull Biore pore strips off the tip of my nose. The sides of the nostrils, I'm fine, but once I get close to the tip. Oooooh, it stings. Yeah. A bit.
This was no different. It felt just like a pore strip (same is true for the rest of my face, but it never is painful for me to pull pore strips off my chin). I don't even know why I coated the tip of my nose. I have no issues there!
Also, I ended up throwing away a ton. It doesn't keep -- it will congeal. One packet of Knox will have enough for your entire dorm hall to do DIY pore strips.
Total cost: $5.48+tax
Result: Enough pore-declogger for my entire graduating class.
Bottom line: If you like pore strips or peel-off masks, totally recommend trying this. You will get the most bang for your buck if you do it with friends, or if you only use 1/2 a packet of Knox at a time (scale down the recipe to 1/2 tbsp of milk and 1/2 packet of Knox.) This can really be a a money saver and it truly works.
And then afterwards, make yourself some strawberry milk. Yumz.