Days 1-3

I'm working on getting back into a habit I used to have that involved getting to bed at a reasonable hour and waking naturally around 7am. It's a struggle. I'm going to try to start posting how my mornings go here. If I can, indeed, get back into my habit, then we'll also have daily outfit photos again.

Day 3:

Wake. Brain is confused. A savory scent is wafting into my loft and a curious gurgling sound pricks my ears. Phone declares 7:04am. Did my alarm go off?

What is that sound?



Commence mental argument
Get out of bed get coffee
It'll still be good in ten minutes, let's just take ten more minutes. 
Seriously? Get your ass up. Hey, here's the water your poured yourself last night. Drink that, get up.
Soo comfy. And it's cold out there.
You left your robe at the foot of your bed, no excuses. Also I think you need to pee.

I stretch. I sit up. I drink some water. I shiver. I blink rapidly. I grab my glasses and my robe. Arms through sleeves. Stand.

SUCCESS! I am standing and it's only 7:05am!

Bathroom, coffee, leisurely shower, music, dressing, makeup (including eyeshadow, lip gloss, and highlighter!), hair, packed breakfast (yogurt, fruit) and lunch (leftover Chinese), out the door by 8:40am. Relaxed, not rushed.

I hope I can replicate this on Monday

Day 2:

Wake. Groan. Grab phone. 5:31am. Fuck this shit. Roll over.

Wake. Shiver. Burrow under covers. Reach out hand to grab phone. It's off. IT'S OFF?!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Please be before 8, please be before 8, please be before 8.

Sprint. 4g. Doo -- doodoo doodoo.

7:14am. Thank fuck. I stretch. I start to sit up. I think better of it. I curl up under the covers.

Facebook, reddit, swipe, swipe, scroll, scroll.

Did we learn nothing yesterday? Apparently not.

It's 7:30. Okay okay... I'll get up.

Facebook, reddit, swipe, swipe, scroll, scroll.

Plan days outfit. Think about cute guys. Argue with self.

15 minutes later and I'm finally sitting.

Throw legs over the side of the bed. Stand. Grab glass of water. Guzzle. Bathroom, long shower (shaving), dress (where the FUCK are my Loft cords???), makeup, hair (Oh my god why does my hair hate me today?), Yogurt, fruit, and siopao into a Harris Teeter bag. Rush out the door by 8:50am.

Damn. How did I get out of bed earlier and leave later? I'm going to figure out the delay brew on my coffee maker tonight. That'll wake me up.

Day 1:

Wake. Blink. Grab phone. 6:53am. My alarm hasn't gone off yet. A few swipes on the screen. The 7:00am, 7:30am, and 8:00am alarms are deactivated.

I stretch. I think about sitting. I'm so cozy. I don't sit.

I huddle under the covers. Facebook, reddit, swipe, swipe, scroll scroll.

It's 7:30.

I stretch. I sit up. I spy a glass of water left by Yesterday Me. I sip. Sip turns to guzzle. I shiver.

I huddle under the covers. Facebook, reddit, swipe, swipe, scroll scroll.

It's 8:00am.

I curse. Why why why? I haul myself out of bed.

5 minute shower. Rush rush. Concealer, lip balm, eyeliner, mascara. This outfit. No, that outfit. No, the first outfit was okay. Yogurt, fruit, and siopao into a Harris Teeter bag. Rush out the door by 8:45am.

I need to stop redditing in bed.


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