Fortune smiles on you

It's snowing pretty heavy here. (Heavy for Carolina snow...) Sticking, too. I haven't got a cancellation email from my college yet, but it's not like I've left the bed for more than a few moments anyway...

As I sit here in my bed with my laptop and coffee, I can't help but think how very lucky I am. I have a job I love (and I actually use the skills I was taught in undergrad). I work from home one day each week. If I cannot go into work for any reason (inclement weather, illness, travel) I am still paid.

It wasn't always like this. I had my fair share of wage-slave jobs. Even now I sacrifice a certain amount on income for the flexibility that my job provides, but stress and hours of many higher paying job cannot make up for sitting in my bed with my laptop and coffee, working from home and watching the snow.


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