
Showing posts from August, 2002
I had a pretty lousy time. I only went because Dad wanted me to drive. We got up there (Crowder's Mountain, David's Castle) and I sat between some rocks to block the wind and I read my magazines. It began to rain a bit while they were setting up to go rock climbing and so they packed it all up. And then it stopped. So they unpacked and went rock climbing. I stayed and pulled out Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughter House Five" and eventually fell asleep. It rained on me, but I was below a tree so didn't get to wet. They finished climbing, came back, woke me up, packed up, and we left. We stopped by Krystal, but I've always been of the firm opinion that Krystal and White Castle SUCK! Because who want's teeny burgers that are mostly bread? Not I, said the mouse. I got a "Corn Pup". A miniature corn dog. Decent, but MINIATURE! So, we left home at 11:30 and got home at 9:30. What a productive day! Not.
I want to be European, but I'll gladly settle for Torontonian. They have a certain something about them. However, my sister and I have decided to settle for "looking European". And that greatly satisfies us. My new thing is scarves. I just got a new one. It's Liz Clayborne. Creamy white with bead work on the ends. It was only $8 at Marshalls. Next stop: Good Will, Slavation Army. I bet they have a ton off great scarves. I don't really care about the maker, just that its... different. It's my new thing. As opposed to those knit coat things that I used to wear. I'll still wear those, but scarves, more often. I am woman I am chic
Guess who just got a silver sports car ? I would say that would have to be.... ME! Yessiree, I have a '89, AT, Silver Probe. Yessir, and it's better than my sister's Ford Tempo, and it's better than my brother's non-existent car, and it's better than my daddy's car. Yessir, I'd say I did quite well. Oh, and I got it all for $1500. BEAT THAT BUSTA! Oh yea...
You want... Poetry? How about demented poetry? The scary Stuff? About the crazed poet? Or the suicidal girl? She sees a gun, a vision in her head, The metal gleams, Fills her head with shattered thoughts She cocks the gun, and aims around She points it at him He cowers. She cries. She closes her eyes. He falls into a crimson stain. She looks at her hands. Black powder. She rubs and rubs It won't go away. No soap or scrubing will remove it. And All that's left, is a vision Well? I wrote that on the spot. I swear. The black powder and rubbing and scrubbing won't remove the stain. Its a reference to MacBeth. The girl in the poem is showing her guilt. I thought about the vision of her with a gun when I woke up. I was listening to *Poe*. She inspires me sometimes. Her music is creepy... Her's another example of a poem I thought up after falling asleep to *Poe*. It's not as creepy... Hey Pretty Don’t you even want to enter in the fight? My Darling ...
Why do you do what you do to me? I wish I knew. If I knew why you do what you do I could do it to you...
on the bright side, I have mastered the skill of unwrapping a Starburst with nothing but my mouth. Yeah!
I have a cold. I sound funny. Blah... is screwing up. Bam. I have to find another site. Damn
Oh yea one more thing... Check me out.... introducing Rhapsody!
I think I have a cold. Oh well. I'm also ---errggg there are guys reading this ehh? Well, never mind then. I have a stuffy nose and I can't stop sneezing. Oh and the headache, but I get those a lot... I've actually got nothing else to say. SOD OFF!
Ray: You know, neither one of us could have gotten her on our own Robert: But melted together we were like ... a super hero! Robert: We were better than just Ray... Ray: Better than just Robert... Robert: We were....Raybert --Everybody Loves Raymond
I want to travel and experience stuff before I settle down. Then sometimes I think, but would traveling and experiencing stuff be so much more with the one that you love right there with you? Yea. It would be. I think, however, that I’ll still have to do a bit on my own. I think its good for a person to do experience some stuff on their own. It’s healthy. Anyway, if I want to, I have the next four school years, to occupy myself. Is just going to college experiencing? I think so. As long as I get random trips to Toronto so I can eat at the Armadillo and shop at Le Chateau while I’m at it. Won’t it be strange to go to Toronto, with out all the young people there? I’ll go to exhibition place. I’ll ride the train all the way to the Downsview lands, where the old used-to-be air base is. Won’t it be lonely? No Polish people running around with their flags until 3 a.m. No Italians screaming “I-TAL-IA! I-TAL-IA!” where ever you go. And no bongo drums. But the stores and the restaurants wil...
Yesterday Tiffany woke me up and we went to GTC so she could pick up some books and then I stopped by my school. It's so different. Anyway, then we spent the whole day shopping. We had stopped by Bi-Lo and cashed in all my coins. $42.50. Tiffany bought me a pair of khaki cordoroys, because she ruined mine. On the way home we stopped by my friend Ally's house, and I just stayed. I might be going to Hilton Head with them also :-) Oh yea!
Universal Quote of the Day Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson) "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
I just spent eleven hours scrap-booking. It was a lot of fun… for the first 3 or 4 hours! Lol. Christine, Anna, (Girls from youth group) and I were working on a scrapbook for Jimmy. (Youth Minister). Today is his birthday. It’s from, or at least about, all the seniors. Anyway, I feel really really bad, because I didn’t go to church today…. And like, I was gonna remind Chris to go to mass today, and here I am… I didn’t go. And to top it all off, one of our priests is leaving. And he was the one that always served my mass. And, he’s not just leaving our church. He’s leaving the priesthood. Its really sad, and I don’t get it, but its just something I’m gonna have to deal with.
I have decided to let the world (or merely who ever happens to read my blogs) read this special little peice I have written. Yes, okay, I have already let the world of read it, and I got a few wonderful reviews. Please enjoy.... Love LOVE I never realized what it was until I met you. I knew you for years, but I never took the time to look into your eyes. And finally, I met you. I got to know you a little more. I was hurt and you were a friend. You were hurt and I was a friend. And together we healed each other. Little by little. Each day, discovering a little more. And you helped me see that the world wasn't all that bad. And I showed you that it's okay to cry. And you told me that some people still are good. And together we came to believe in such a thing as love. Something so powerful, yet indescribable. We guided each other through this tangled web some like to call life. Together, life began to have meaning. Together we learned the meaning of true happines...
It is one thing to have one's brother hate one. It is a totally separate thing to be indifferent towards his hatred . Which is worse: one's brother hating one, or one's indifference towards the hatred . Ahh, I see we have stumbled upon yet another great mystery!
Universal Quote of the Day Douglas Adams "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
2. Favorite Restaurant (non-local): I like chop house '47, myabi, i dunno, how far is non-local poayb09ay8dghawsr THESE ARE FREAKING DIFFICULT QUESTIONS!! -- Guywiththeface
In Chico, California, detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine. I feel much better! Really... I do...
I hate mysteries you can't solve until tomorrow at 3 p.m.....
I found two post office notices stuck to the mail organizer today. I have one Express Mail large envelope, and one tube. From who? Who would express mail me something? Just one of the great mysteries of the universe I guess...

Super Hero Girl: forwarding

Imported from Super Hero Girl Saturday August 03, 2002 Single Post Any original formatting removed. The blog mentioned in the post is not active SATURDAY, AUGUST 03, 2002 nuff said POSTED BY EVIL.EVE AT 12:26