Older women must "train younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled, chaste, good homemakers, under the control of their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited"
Titus 2:4-5
Please. "Under the control of their husbands"
What are you, a rug?
Sorry, dear readers. I've just been told that a woman making the first step in a relationship is wrong. Apparently, if I tell a man that I like him, this is wrong. Oops. My b.
So, what if I make more money? Oh, wait... am I allowed to have a job? Probably not.
Do you even call him on the phone or do you have to wait for him to call you?
I know you feel like you "need a man to lead your relationship," but don't push your views on me. I can walk just fine on my own. Yeah, I like to hold a guys hand, but I can see where I'm going without him telling me.
But, that's me. I'm not in college just for an MRS degree.
Ironically, also in Titus 2, verse 9 states "slaves are to be under the control of their masters in all respects," I find this most amusing, because it uses the same wording as it did for the relationship between men and women.
Go ahead. Flame me. It's chilly anyway.
Titus 2:4-5
Please. "Under the control of their husbands"
What are you, a rug?
Sorry, dear readers. I've just been told that a woman making the first step in a relationship is wrong. Apparently, if I tell a man that I like him, this is wrong. Oops. My b.
So, what if I make more money? Oh, wait... am I allowed to have a job? Probably not.
Do you even call him on the phone or do you have to wait for him to call you?
I know you feel like you "need a man to lead your relationship," but don't push your views on me. I can walk just fine on my own. Yeah, I like to hold a guys hand, but I can see where I'm going without him telling me.
But, that's me. I'm not in college just for an MRS degree.
Ironically, also in Titus 2, verse 9 states "slaves are to be under the control of their masters in all respects," I find this most amusing, because it uses the same wording as it did for the relationship between men and women.
Go ahead. Flame me. It's chilly anyway.
The Bible also says that a husband should love his wife like Christ loved the church. Know who is relating husbands to God? Uh...God is.
I don't really care if that's the way you want to do it. Stop arguing that point. I care that you said, essentially: Mary, a woman not being submissive is wrong. You should not do that. I quote "don't you DARE take the first move, Mary."
So, what if I make more money? Oh, wait... am I allowed to have a job? Probably not.
Any guy who loves you is going to want to see you doing what you like to do. Personally, I'd be happy to see the wifey make big bucks :)
Do you even call him on the phone or do you have to wait for him to call you?
Depends on what your calling about :) If it's about going to catch a flick you can call, if it's complaining about shopping that needs to get done you can save that for when he gets home :)
I can walk just fine on my own. Yeah, I like to hold a guys hand, but I can see where I'm going without him telling me.
If you're holding hands and are about to step into a pothole, I'm sure he'd like you to tell him :)
Do you think the guy likes you?
-d (lets change that to a d instead of a m. It's going to be hard to remember to put that in for a while, it'll take a bit of work)
No no no, I want to be friends for a while before we go out. I was the one who said that, not him. :-) Well, it was kind of mutual. But its not a bad thing at all, for sure.
Actually, I don't know the whole story, I have it on hearsay. But didn't she want to kill his girlfriend or something? I don't know.