Older women must "train younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled, chaste, good homemakers, under the control of their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited"
Titus 2:4-5

Please. "Under the control of their husbands"

What are you, a rug?

Sorry, dear readers. I've just been told that a woman making the first step in a relationship is wrong. Apparently, if I tell a man that I like him, this is wrong. Oops. My b.

So, what if I make more money? Oh, wait... am I allowed to have a job? Probably not.

Do you even call him on the phone or do you have to wait for him to call you?

I know you feel like you "need a man to lead your relationship," but don't push your views on me. I can walk just fine on my own. Yeah, I like to hold a guys hand, but I can see where I'm going without him telling me.

But, that's me. I'm not in college just for an MRS degree.

Ironically, also in Titus 2, verse 9 states "slaves are to be under the control of their masters in all respects," I find this most amusing, because it uses the same wording as it did for the relationship between men and women.

Go ahead. Flame me. It's chilly anyway.


Anonymous said…
Okay. Let's just forget about the whole submitting to a man. That's so earthly anyway. Say you were the slave and the master was God. willing to submit to Him? Even if His word contradicts with your thoughts?
Pixel said…
Of course I would! I pray every night that God works His will in my life, even if it isn't what I desire. My problem is with you telling me that what I'm doing is wrong because it doesn't fit with your ideals. There's nothing wrong with an assertive woman. I don't tell you that what you do in your relationships is wrong. You didn't used to tell me that the way I did mine was wrong. I'm never going to be a submissive woman. I will respect what my husband desires. Sometimes, you do things you don't like. But I will never be 'under my husbands control.'
Pixel said…
And, I'll do you a favor and ignore the fact that you're completely relating your husband to God. Hmm, I'm getting déjà vu.
Anonymous said…
Mike's not my husband and all, but I'm letting him lead the relationship. I've never ever had to do anything that I didn't want except once. And that was because I respect him and know that he was making a decision of out love. I don't have to ask him before I do anything and, were we to ever get married, (aside from major issues) that wouldn't change. There's something awesome about submitting to God's will and letting HIM work in our lives and not taking over.

The Bible also says that a husband should love his wife like Christ loved the church. Know who is relating husbands to God? Uh...God is.
Pixel said…
You were the one who told me not to relate my boyfriend to God. And, geez, Tiffany, of course Mike isn't your husband, but you told me "Titus 2" which says that a woman must be "under her husband's control."

I don't really care if that's the way you want to do it. Stop arguing that point. I care that you said, essentially: Mary, a woman not being submissive is wrong. You should not do that. I quote "don't you DARE take the first move, Mary."
Anonymous said…
No, no, you've got it all wrong. Look at it like this. I love my mom (she's a super-de duper mom). I listen to what she tells me, and take her advice under consideration all the time (though I don't always heed it) Technically, you could say I'm under her control. But what is control when the one who loves you is the one who "controlls" you. Does not the Bible also say "Husbands love your wives"? Being controlled by one who loves you is a type of freedom, not enslavement. Someone who loves you isn't going to make you do things you don't want to do, unless it serves a greater purpose. Just like my mom had me make my bed and take out the garbage when I was a youngster, I felt like a slave, but in reality she was teaching me responsibility because she loved me. It's a two way street. Control and love together.
Anonymous said…
Well, I see your sister hit my point there. Mary, you just need to find a husband who LOVES fiesty opinionated women, then everything will be ok :)
Anonymous said…

So, what if I make more money? Oh, wait... am I allowed to have a job? Probably not.

Any guy who loves you is going to want to see you doing what you like to do. Personally, I'd be happy to see the wifey make big bucks :)

Do you even call him on the phone or do you have to wait for him to call you?

Depends on what your calling about :) If it's about going to catch a flick you can call, if it's complaining about shopping that needs to get done you can save that for when he gets home :)

I can walk just fine on my own. Yeah, I like to hold a guys hand, but I can see where I'm going without him telling me.

If you're holding hands and are about to step into a pothole, I'm sure he'd like you to tell him :)
Pixel said…
No, no, I really have no problem with it, except my sister is telling me that being assertive is wrong. I don't care if that's how people want to life. Tiffany says that she is submissive by nature. That is fine. I am not. I've never had a problem with this in any of my relationships. The "don't you DARE make the first move, mary!" I'm sorry if telling a man that you like him is wrong.
Anonymous said…
Most twins are fairly similar, but you two are like Yin and Yang.

Do you think the guy likes you?
Anonymous said…
I've always taken submissive to mean not fighting at every turn. It doesn't mean that you can't be a strong woman, imho.
Pixel said…
I know he does. Oh, and I have a req. can anonymous from milwaukee leave a little sign (like AFM or Milwaukee or something) to let that it's you when you comment? I feel like I almost know you, but not at all, lol :-)
Anonymous said…
Well, in that case I think you might want to casually invite him out to lunch with you sometimes. Things just aren't as cut and dry as they were in the past, guys have to worry about "invading a girl's personal space" these days. And I wouldn't say grabbing a bite to eat in a college setting is foreward at all.
Pixel said…
Thanks M! We've already hung out, gotten food at the campus coffee shop. It was great. :-) I mean, right now, we are essentially just friends. But we both like each other. I do just want to be friends for a while longer though, and so does he.
Anonymous said…
You asked him, and he said he just wanted to be friends?
-d (lets change that to a d instead of a m. It's going to be hard to remember to put that in for a while, it'll take a bit of work)
Pixel said…
No no no, I want to be friends for a while before we go out. I was the one who said that, not him. :-) Well, it was kind of mutual. But its not a bad thing at all, for sure.
Anonymous said…
wasn't it you who said in my e-mail that: "We're for sure 'more than friends, less than lovers.'"???
Anonymous said…
"More than friends, less than lovers"? That's the EXACT same thing that crazy Astronaut lady said about her relationship with the guy Astronaut!! :) I hope you aren't stockpiling bbguns and pampers in your dorm room.
Pixel said…
What's wrong with being a crazy astronaut lady? I'm going to put on a diaper and drive a thousand miles to go kill his girlfrind. MINE! MINE!

Actually, I don't know the whole story, I have it on hearsay. But didn't she want to kill his girlfriend or something? I don't know.
Anonymous said…
That's pretty much the gist of it. I think he was married though, and so was the crazy one, so it's hard to say if they were actually fooling around or what. I just remember the good parts, like that quote. And the diaper, of course.

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