Gosh, sometimes I just don't know what I'm doing anymore. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart. Sometimes, I wonder if I did the right thing. I think I did. I'm sure I did. Right?


Anonymous said…
So what's got you so blue this weekend lil' Marykin?
Pixel said…
I can't write everything on my blog. Sometimes, I can write bits, but I have to keep the core within. Somethings are just too intimate. Especially when they are so unsure.
Anonymous said…
Young women are so FILLED with drama! :) My word, have a little faith. If something is supposed to happen, it will happen. If it's not, it will not. Try to just settle down and smell the roses.
Anonymous said…
never can tell. we are too fickle by nature. just do right, no matter what.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes you feel like your only friend... is the city you live in, the city of angels. Lonley as I am... together we cry.
Pixel said…
Ohh, Anonymous... thank you for that quote. That's a good song for right now.
Anonymous said…
:P You are welcome, as always!
Anonymous said…
I prefer the Firefly theme song though when I'm feeling blue. Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free, they can't the sky from me!
Anonymous said…
love the firefly theme song!
Pixel said…
I love Mal!!! "I love my captain!"
Anonymous said…
I watched the first three episodes of the series again last night. Shiny! It made me feel better, but I wasn't the one with the bad case of the doubts yesterday :) Hope you had a good Saturday night, Heuser bruisers.
Anonymous said…
hate to break it to ya, d, (especially if you were trying to rhyme) but "heuser" doesn't rhyme with bruiser. It's "hi sir!" except the 's' is a 'z' sound.
Pixel said…
It's okay, D, I'll be a Heuser Bruiser! I'll pronounce it wrong and everything! Hi-zer Bruiser doesn't sound as great.
Anonymous said…
Heuser Mizer?
Anonymous said…
It could be the Heuser High Risers if you were both basketball players!
Anonymous said…
Heuser Atomizers!
Anonymous said…
Heuser Blood Geysers
Anonymous said…
The "Heuser Incisors". They'll Gobble you up!!
Anonymous said…
The "Heuser Divisors"!!! They like to "Divide and Conquer" :)
Anonymous said…
Heuser Kaisers. Queens of the world. Though that makes you sound like cross dressing guys, really.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm tapped. I'll have to think about it a bit.
Anonymous said…
Heuser Advisors I guess.... "They'll give you a piece of their minds... weather you want it or not" :)
Anonymous said…
you crack me up.
Anonymous said…
Well, he-user was a lot easier than hi-zer, but I try :)
Anonymous said…
Heuser Analyzers- "They've judged you in the balance and found you lacking.... except in the area of BS, they say you're full of that"
Anonymous said…
The Heuser Blue-sky-zers. "Those girls are always high as a kite!" :)
Anonymous said…
The Heuser Endivers - "They like their spices!"
Anonymous said…
Mmmm, I think I'm out of good ones....

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