It seems like you've done a lot
There are times that I think back on my academic life, and realize how much smoother it all could have gone. I could have taken many more college classes while I was in high school , because the classes were free. I took two computer classes, one math class, and intro to Psych. I think sometimes of how I should've taken freshman English or world civ. A higher math classes. Biology. Things that every freshman must take. If I had gone to college immediately and stayed in, I would have been out by 2006. 2005, even, if I had taken all those transfer classes in high school. I could've stayed at Greenville Tech for a year or two before transferring somewhere. I could be four years into a doctoral program right now! But, you know what? Fuck it. I think about the kids who drove me insane, and the business men who drunkenly tipped me way too much (thank you!); all the money blown on makeup, sushi and alcohol; all the fights and all the love; crying in bed with my roommates because I was...