
Showing posts from April, 2011


K-Swiss: "What does "nj" stand for?" Stargirl drinks delicious cherry bev * and ignores him K-Swiss: musing aloud "What does "nj stand for....?" Stargirl: "NO JOKE!" K-Swiss: "Oh, "nice job"." After a game of LoL (lol) the chat fills with gg (good game), sometimes, such as today nj. *I am bring the ingredients for this to the beach

Daily Imgur

Alright alright. I can't help but post these photos, so I'm calling it your daily imgur (say it: "image-er"). ... Prolly won't actually be daily. Also, I haven't been working on my huge post mentioned here. But I have been somewhat productive. I've been reading. REAL books, not just AWESOME mediocre fanfic (let's be honest, people). Started on The Virgin Suicides today. Good stuff. (I wish my book had the cover below instead of one based on the movie. ) HERE WE GO YOUR DAILY IMGUR AREN'T YOU EXCITED Can't confirm the validity of this statement. In fact, I'm 99% sure that El did not say the following quote*. Either way, she's still a bad ass. This, however, is 100% totally a valid Ghandi quote. O.o P.S. That's Chell (the girl from Portal) and Gordon Freeman (the dude from Half-Life) Aww, buddy, it's okay. C'mere. *Here is a good, and valid quote from the ineffable Eleanor: "No one can make you feel inferior without you...

wee bit wednesday v 43.

{one} have you ever been stuck in an elevator? Hell no, that sounds awful. Unless I have my DS or something. (jk) {two} have you ever ridden on an elephant? No, but I really really want to! {three} have you ever met a well known celebrity? I've met Sunset Thomas . She's extremely well known in certain circles. She was extremely nice, tipped well (I was her waitress) and invited me to come see her show the following evening (I did). Oh, and she wore those ridiculous stripper shoes out to dinner. I thought that was pretty lulzy. {four} do you have any food allergies? Not quite.... I am allergic to cashew urushiols, but that's not exactly food. {five} do you know how to sew? Not really. I have a sewing machine, but I haven't used it much. {six} did you get an allowance when you were young? Ohh yeahhhh. Once, my dad sad "aww, now I don't have any money" and my sister offered to give her allowance back. I think I'd already taken mine out to the ice cr...

Damn you Amazon!!!!

I opened reddit today and, it was odd... there were thumbnails. I have my preferences set to not show thumbnails, because it often ruins jokes in which the punchline is a photo. Also, there can be spoilers in the images. So, I went to log in... and couldn't find the log in fields. "Odd..," I though. I upvoted the top link. Attempting to upvote/downvote/comment will prompt you to log in. Today, it did nothing. I started actually looking at the website and found the following ... which, you know, wasn't hidden at all, but I wasn't paying attention. There are often ads at the top of reddit. I have my preferences set not to show these ads. Noooo! Reddit, how could you do this to me? :( AMAZON! This is ALL YOUR FAULT. This poor sucker... It's his reddit birthday, the day in which, if you have a good enough photo or title, you can rake in the karma. Everyone is going to be so sick of seeing the thumbnail of that dog that as soon as we can log in, he will be downvote...

Best family portait EVAR

Because I'm posting all these random photos today, I want to assure you that I am working on a huge pic heavy post of a specific stop during my trip to Raleigh. Also I've got one going on in my brain (nothing downloaded, or written or anything at all) about books, used books, book sales. My book collection. Books books books. By the way, I found out what happened in my ...Oops I was just about to explain what happened during my fifteen month hiatus in 2005/2006 (discovered in this post ). I found two diaries today full of weekly/daily/hourly ramblings. Only I've just realized that these diaries cannot be the reason for the blank blog during those months. These diaries are from the FVM era ( July 2003 - June 2004 ) during which time I posted 194 blogs. Most of which have absolutely nothing to do with FVM, actually. Anyway, that was pointless and we still have a mystery on hand.

How I feel when people give crazy religious arguments

Like this one . Or you, know, any crazy ridiculous argument in general.

Po-tay-to Po-tah-to

Tiffasaurus requested that I explain the potatoes. I suspect most of the confusion comes from the fact that they are not as tasty as cake. The best way to lean about this is here . This person was more involved and knew more than I did. I'm just sharing what I knew. There is a group of games called the Potato Sack . A little irrelevant but interesting background here: in December when steam was having tons of indie games on sale, a list of the Indie Packs was released . Among them was the Potato Pack . The Potato Pack was never released, some people were pissed and everyone thought it was a dumb name. Cut to April 1st and the Potato Sack is released. "Ohhhh," we said. "That's where it went." When the potato sack was released, people realized that each game included various hidden references to potatoes. On April 7th (but I didn't learn until later), the potato games were updated to include secret levels or certain achievements. By completing these levels...

Wee Bit Wednesday v42

{one} how often do you do laundry? Every Saturday I do all the household laundry {two} what is your favorite type of cookie? The cookie kind. ALL COOKIE KINDS. {three} what would you do with an extra $2000 per month? Pay off all my CC bills. Get a newer car. Start stashing away for the future. {four} what was/is your favorite subject in school? Loosely? Psychology, followed very closely by biology and literature {five} have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon? Ha! Like that's going to happen ever. NO. {six} what was your high school mascot? Grades 9-10 I was a TRHS Devildog. Switched schools to become a GTCHS Warrior {seven} if you had the chance to go into space, would you? That sounds scary as hell. Cool as hell, but no. Probably not. :( {eight} how often do you go dancing? Ummm... I used to go once a year at our birthday party THAT THEY KEEP CANCELING (fuck you Donaldson ctr) {nine} would you rather drive or fly? How many people are with me? Alone: fly. With buds (and...

The countdown to the countdown to the countdown

On Monday, Gaben worshipers everywhere noticed that the number of potatoes were rapidly dropping. " It's starting!" they declared. "We've overclocked GLaDOS!" Then, it was thought to do calculations. At the rate we were loosing potatoes, it counter wouldn't reach zero until midnight PST. And then we noticed something strange.... the number of test subjects listed at Glados@home had gone from zero... to nine! Portal's facebook page now held this photo: "The first of the nine begins to play" THE INFECTED! The infected were playing and it was in the middle of the day on MONDAY! ( Why can't I be infected??? I thought. Of course, I didn't put in enough effort to be granted that.) I know this makes no sense to you. ... It's from the Valve Alternate Reality Game . As the day turned into night and the number of Steam players in the Nelipot and Portal 2 and Potato Fools Day chat rooms skyrocketed, the number of Test Subjects began to...


I love Glee, but this makes my brain cry.
"Seriously, I get email all the time that just says, "ASL?" as if we were sitting there in the #hotbaloney chat room and I had just shown up for the first time." ololololooll from the Hug button FAQ

She liked imaginary men the best

In my desire to blog more, instead of tweeting thoughts from my phone, I always think "I'll save that thought/idea in my head... and expand on it in a blog post." After all, that is what I used to do, before Twitter, before Facebook statuses. Unfortunately, I forget most of my ideas unless I'm at the computer that very second, so I'm going to adopt another habit that I used to have. I'm going to jot down my thoughts when ever I think I might have a blog worthy idea. I have this wonderful notepad -- actually it's the exact same one I used to use. I found it while packing. I've tossed it into my purse. Hopefully it'll be filled with crazy thoughts which will morph into crazy bloggy ramblings. Here are some of the notebooks that I might pick up when this one is full: I feel a sin coming on Make your own damn dinner And the very very best: Maybe I want to look cheap

Oh GLaDOS, such a dear

From Lab Rat

If this post makes no sense to you, you're not alone.

I have wasted away my entire weekend trying to fill bars. Bars that are supposed to help Portal 2 come out earlier. You see, in a weird and annoying marketing ploy, Valve is requiring us to play a selection of indie games, known as the Potato Sack, to release Portal 2 early. The more we play, the earlier it is released. Fail. Such fail. As you can see, bars are not yet full. The collective worshipers of Valve began this monumental task on Friday afternoon. Each "Current CPU" you see is a single person. So, quick glance tells me around abouts 20k people are working towards this. And still, we are not complete. Now, granted, the potatoes have not yet come into play. They could suddenly throw everything into hyperdrive and suddenly, SIX HOURS EARLY!!!11!!1!! We'll have Portal 2 Fat chance. (Gabe Newell, you troll.) However, we'll not call the whole weekend a loss. I played a few indie games (purchased during the Christmas Steam Sale) which I had yet to play. I spent many...

I actually got P-Body. But I like this better.

Stalwart and dependable, you're always willing to give a friend the shirt off your back, a shoulder to cry on, or a step up. Compatible cooperative test partners include shirtless people who can't stop crying while they use you as stairs.
"Eyes Wide Shut" is listed in Netflix as an erotic thriller. Well, they got that half right. It's one of the least "thrilling", suspenseful movies I've seen.

Just a slob like one of us

I think one of my problems with blogging a lot is that I used to "micro-blog" before tumblr was even a think. And now that I have facebook and twitter, I just tweet or update my status. I found this picture on reddit. When I look at it, it makes me feel very small. At the same time, I'm in awe of the beauty. I also looked at this picture and thought "this is the kind of image that would make believers talk about God." And I didn't think that because the image made me think about god. It's just that a lot of people I know attribute everything beautiful to god. Which is cool, I suppose. Do believers attribute ugly things to god, too? If there is a really hideous girl, not diseased or anything, just U-G-L-Y (as in, lacking any alibi), are her looks attributed to god? Hmmm... Maybe in a "That's just how god made her, bless her heart" kinda way. Because, you know you can say anything as long as you end it with "bless his/her heart." My...

Browsing reddit today....

Hmmm, what's this? Oh neat... I wonder what it is. *click* Interesting. Waaait a second...

That's right. I self-medicate.

It helps having people you know in workout classes. During BodyPump yesterday, I decided that I would not stay for BodyCombat and I would much rather be at home playing video games. After BodyPump ended I collected my things and Lisa walked in. Oh. Hi Lisa! ... Yup, I do both BodyPump and BodyCombat on Tuesdays. *Sigh* So.... I stayed. And I thought longingly of Torchlight and of League of Legends. (Lisa also does Zumba and BodyPump on Thursdays. That is where I met her. Look at me, making acquaintances!) I told Lisa, I have very specific reasons for choosing to do TWO HOURS on both Tuesday and Thursday (and occasionally BodyStep for an hour on Fridays. BECAUSE I'M MAD!) My twin sister and I are going to the beach in three weeks, I tell her. I want to look better than her by then. Lisa laughed and assures me that I will. (Y'hear that Tiffany? I Look Better Than You.) (JK) (Kinda) ... I sometimes have to realize that I'm not a heifer. Because I still feel like one. Sometimes...


Today, after spending two hours at the YMCA I did a little grocery shopping. I looked into my basket and suddenly I felt superior to everyone else at Wal-Mart. There was not one unhealthy thing in my basket (unless you count the razors. Those are not good to eat.) Look at my groceries, I thought. I am a responsible adult! I have vegetables and beef, for stew! IN A CROCK POT. I have bananas! I don't even like bananas! But, they are healthy. And I am a responsible adult. (This blog more clearly demonstrates how I feel about being an adult than anything I have ever read.) This feeling was only further encouraged by the woman checking out ahead of me, who had stocked up on twenty bottles of snow cone syrup. They only carry this in the summer, you know! I, on the other hand, was much more concerned for the excess high fructose corn syrup on which children would be gorging. Exactly how much HFCS is in that syrup? Nothing I have purchased has HFCS, I thought. Look at this bread lab...

On April

One of my favorite things about a blog is looking back five years ago to see where I was and what I was doing. So much has happened recently, and I will try my best to cover all of it. This blog was started on August 12, 2002 with the following post: I found two post office notices stuck to the mail organizer today. I have one Express Mail large envelope, and one tube. From who? Who would express mail me something? Just one of the great mysteries of the universe I guess... This was a little over ten weeks after my high school graduation. I was fully immersed in my typical "ho hum, I wonder what I'll do next year..." Which tends to be my attitude towards many things. I figure if I don't get around to it now, I'll just do it next year. The tube, by the way, happened to be a poster from my now Alma Mater . I don't remember what the express mail was. I'm sorry, Mary. I don't want to live here anymore. I want to go home. I want to ...