
Showing posts from February, 2020

Baby, we were born to run

Google and Facebook, and other apps I'm sure, like to remind us of where we were one, two, five, eight, etc years ago. This can bring on a flurry of emotions. Pictures of your pets or kids, awww. Pictures of your ex, grrr. Pictures of a happier you, *crying emoji* To me, it's amazing how much I've gone through in two years and it helps me realize that I can have the life I want again. Two years is not that long. (One of my last dates with my exboyfriend. NoDa Brewing Hop Cakes Release Day!) Two years ago I was still working through my breakup with my ex of about four years. We were still good friends, but it was hard. That part sucked. Two years ago, I was living in Charlotte, and spending several nights a week working out with my friends. That part was amazing. (Post run-club hangs at Common Market) In the time since then I've been through a lot. Some great things: made new friends in Charlotte, threw myself into the running community even more, ran some...

Out. For. A. Walk.... Bitch.

After we were both off work for the day, Danny and I went out for a walk. We got into the car and he asked "Where to, Lady?" "Well," I responded, "our options are here and Jackson, right? So, Jackson, unless you have somewhere else in mind." He confirmed that there were no other options and we headed to do the loop around Jackson. Parking at the general store, walking through town past the inn, the tavern, the school. Across the bridge, past the sandwich shop and the golf course turned cross country ski area. Swiftly through the covered "kissing" bridge with cob webs overhead, which Danny skitters past nervously. Finally, back to the car. It's a 1.3 mile loop. It's a charming little walk. We have two very charming little walks here in town in the winter. I don't know of other walking options nearby, at least not in the winter. And maybe a girl gets tired of the same two 1-2 mile loops. We don't have a lot of town here. Bu...

February 23rd 9 AM, eastern standard time. From here on in I blog without a script

See if anything comes of it, instead of my old shit It has been a gnarly two years.  Two years ago, for better or for worse, I had to restart the life I'd been expecting. In some ways, it turns out, it was for the better. In some ways, it was for the worse. I tend to make wild jumps and go "all-in" on decisions when I'm floundering. This lead to an intense three month relationship with a man who was an  extremely poor fit for me, (as I was for him!). A feeling of being lost and frustrated in my romantic life as well as my career lead me to launch myself at an opportunity with little foresight.  I was offered a job in a new field (though somewhat adjacent to my career) in a location that was totally opposite of where I was living. From living in on of the most lively neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina to a town I envisioned as a Hallmark town: North Conway, New Hampshire. Population: 2,500. (Plus 10,000 tourists from the greater Boston area) With stars...