
Showing posts from May, 2004
"Ah-ha," she declared softly. She'd found the Intermediate Reading section of Books-A-Million. She skimmed it quickly. She frowned. She skimmed it again. She focused on the "H" section. The closest thing she could find to what she sought was "The Hardy Boys." Not exactly what she was looking for. She looked up and saw a BAM employee straightening the shelves, his back to her. She looked back at her books. Raised an eyebrow and looked back to where he was. Gone! She looked around wildly. No luck. She was too short to see over the stacks of books. She ran to the end of the aisle where he'd been straightening. Hmmm... She walked down the perpendictular aisle and found him straightening one shelf over. "Hi," she said, and immediatly and unwelcomed half grin appeared on her cool exterior. "Hey," he grinned back. "How ya been?" "Super, except that, umm, where are the Harry Potter books?" H...
I have a really hot boyfriend. He's 25. He's rolling in the dough. He's got a rolex, nice car, decent apartment. So why , while watching Hottest Couples of 2004, do I miss having a boyfriend? Oh, maybe it's because, well, he was supposed to take me out last night and not only did he not show. He never called. He didn't call today. I think he likes me to beg him to come over. So, why haven't I dropped him yet? I don't know. Why haven't I?
Jeff is so much fun to work with. Working at the free clinic is so much more fun... Hanging out with Jeff, Megan, Jessica, Lou.... I imagine Janet would be pissed if she was still there. Maybe I talk too much... Nahh.... I mean, maybe I flirt with Jeff too much. Since I've been dating Jake, I've been thinking about it. It's not like I mean to flirt with Jeff, it just happens. I'm just a naturally friendly kinda person. And I don't know whether he's sees it as friendly or as flirty. Probably both. I think Michael mentioned the other day that Jeff liked me. ******* "Howzit working with Jeff downstairs?" Karen, Jeff's sister, asked inbetween my pestering Michael for a ride home while I was messing with the stuff on his shelf. "Oh," I grinned, "it's so much fun. He's fun to work with!" Jeff is fun to work with. We talk and tease like old friends. "Yea," Michael replied. "Jeff likes you, too....
Baby, can’t you see, I’m calling A guy like you should wear a warning It’s dangerous I’m fallin’ There’s no escape I can’t wait I need a hit Baby, give me it You’re dangerous I’m lovin’ it Too high, can’t come down Losing my head, spinning ‘round and ‘round Do you feel me now With a taste of your lips I’m on a ride You're toxic I'm slipping under With a taste of a poison paradise I’m addicted to you Don’t you know that you’re toxic And I love what you do Don’t you know that you’re toxic It’s getting late to give you up I took a sip from my devil's cup Slowly, It’s taking over me Too high, can’t come down It’s in the air and it’s all around Can you feel me now With a taste of your lips I’m on a ride You're toxic I'm slipping under With a taste of a poison paradise I’m addicted to you Don’t you know that you’re toxic And I love what you do Don’t you know that you’re toxic Don't you know that you're toxic With...
"What time are you coming over," she asked, lying on her bed twirling her hair through her fingers, the picture of a typical teenaged girl. "About tonight, Mary-" he began "Don't! Stop," she closed her eyes and sighed. Always, always, always. About that, Mary... I can't make it she remembered. She had hoped Jake wouldn't be like that. She was fed up with guys constantly canceling on her. "You're not coming are you?" "What," where did she get that idea? "Yes, Mary, just listen to me," he sighed, she'd be pissed anyway, he knew it. "Can you meet me by the exit?" "Yes, so you are coming?" "Yea, I told you I was." "Why by the exit?" The directions weren't really that hard... Her house was really easy to find. In the next ten minutes, Jake went on to explain to Mary that he was really tied up with work and he didn't have much time tonight....
"Where is it hiding now?" "Not telling until you stop using green dots!" Mary grabbed the roll of green dots and put it behind her back. "Splots, Mary--" corrected Lou, who was on the phones. The new green dots were called splots because they were big and ugly... "Yea, green splots," Mary grinned. "No more..." "Okay," Jeff sighed. "I'll just have to tell this poor patient that he can't have any of his medication because Mary is a green dot--" "Splot," said Lou. "--green splot Nazi." Mary giggled and tossed the roll of green splots to Jeff. "Just keep that duck outta here!" "Aww," he produced the object. "But, I had it specially made for you!" She took it and waved him outta the room.
A five-ten, tan, dark haired, hunk of a man. He's got arms that would make my sister melt (i.e. good strong arms.) and great skin. His lips are incredibly soft. I have no idea how you get lips that soft, but it's great. He's twenty five, and I asked him last night... Now, why do you wanna be dating a nineteen year old? And he said Because that's how old you are! Good answer... :-)
Stick Around... I told him I didn't want to kiss and just be friends. He was okay with that. I'm not sure. I think he's my boyfriend. He keeps calling me "his new girlfriend." So, maybe I am. I'm trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's hard. It's weird having a boyfriend. I haven't really had a boyfriend since Chris... we broke up January 2003. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. And then I go over to his apartment and I see him, and it's okay. I'm really nervous, I guess. He's not called Disappearing Jake for nothing... He disappeared from March 21st to April 29. And we were just friends. I told him whatever. I didn't care. Because I'm not going to tell friends what they need to do. But I told him not to disappear on me again. He said he wouldn't. I told him prove it. How? Stick around, I said. Stick around.
Okay people... it's the post your dying for. Well, not really... But you will find out if one of the posts is true or not, because we all well know that I'm not really gonna tell you. So, last night after I hung up on my neighbor, Patrick the Fourth(which happened to be icing on a cake from hell), Disappearing Jake called. He said, "so when you comin' over," mostly jovially, like he often does. This time, instead of saying "never!" I asked Kelli, did she mind? She didn't. I relayed that to Jake and five minutes later, I found myself in Sparky, headed for the highway. By the way, I'm going back tonight. Anyway... I got to his house and we hung out. Talking like we always do. At one point he gets up and turns off the lights and I thought he was gonna come over and try to kiss me, and I said "Hey! No." Then he turned the kitchen light on and looked at me funny. He said the light was too bright(it was like one a.m.). And he said ...
Or The Parking Lot "I actually get to leave at five today," he said. She looked up from where she was filing the perscriptions. "All because of lil' ol' me! If I hadn't filed all these for you...," she said, smiling. "I am eternally grateful," he bowed and, upon rising, grinned. "So, what with leaving at a respectable hour, wanna give me a ride home today?" "Sure, if you don't mind riding in my messy car." "I'm 19," she rolled her eyes. "You think I'm not used to messy environments?" "True. You do get to sit in some high class seats!" "Cow seat covers! Thats right. You know, I know so many people who pine for them..." "I got them in Africa." "Or the parking lot" He laughed. "Or the parking lot..."
Miss You Already "Ohmigod..." "No, no listen! You--" "Okay, Patrick--" "You started it all" "Ohmigod, PATRICK!" "Fuck that--" "I'm gonna hang up" "No, don't! Listen it doesn't--" "If you don't shut up..." "No, okay, Mary, here you are all--" *click* "Whatever," she rolls her eyes. "He was annoying!" "You hang up on people a lot, Mary," said Kelli, her roommate. "It gives me a sense of gratification and power," Mary grinned and tossed the phone. She picked up The Unbearable Lightness of Being and began reading it. Three, five minutes tops, she figured, before he calls me back. When ten minutes passed and the phone had yet to ring and Kelli had already commented: "I don't think he's call...
Slightly Less Common Latin Phrases Vacca foeda : Stupid cow Raptus regaliter : Royally screwed Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam : I have a catapult. Give me all the money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare : I think some people in togas are plotting against me. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione : I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult. Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules : If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults. Illiud Latine dici non potest : You can't say that in Latin. Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! : Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket! Visne saltare? Viam Latam Fungosam scio : Do you want to dance? I know the Funky Broadway. Re vera, potas bene : Say, you sure are drinking a lot. Utinam barbari s...
Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh Your name is Your sex is Male Female Undecided Your favorite color is Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Black White Other You are stuck there because you murdered everyone else For _____ years 84 With Oprah Winfrey. Click for pic. He/She will think you are beautiful You will live in peace Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen !
Waiting to be let in. At the computer, simply typing away, she didn't really notice him walk into the library. She didn't even notice as he sat down next to her. She continued away in earnest, relaying her lifes happenings to her LiveJournal. However, she noticed that the fellow next to her had been sitting at the computer for sometime, yet was not logged onto the internet. Probably doesn't know his pin. Who the hell does? She turned to her neighbor to ask if he needed some help when she started paying attention to what was around her. IE She opened her freaking eyes and noticed who the fellow was! He smiled with an adorable I'm so lost...! grin. She smiled back. It was nice to see him out of work. Alone from all the people that made her feel uncomfortable around him. "Having trouble?" "Ahh, this crazy contraption," he rolled his eyes at the computer. "Foiling all my plans for world domination." She giggled. ...
They intertwine their limbs. I watch from a distance. So much skin in tangled patterns of confusion. I'm truely uncomfortable. So strange, to see the two become one. Down, deeper, I am jealous. Why should I be given such a desire that I have not ways to fulfill? I seek and I seek, but the object of my desire seems close to impossible to find.
For Tiffany the dullard: "No Worries" is about a girl who is sleeping, Some significant other slips into bed with her, and when she rolls over to kiss him, she falls out of bed. Realizing that it was all a dream...
Kidney My right kidney hurts. It really hurts. I might have an infection says my chiropractor. Hot damn, that sucks. Symptoms include back pain (check), fever (pat says probably tomorrow or the next day since it just started hurting yesterday), and nausea (same as above). I can't move my back. It hurts...
No Worries Warm and comfortable, I was in the place where you are not quite asleep, not quite awake, but by no means possessing the skills to communicate with the outside world. The bed sank with the pressure of another body lying down. An arm snaked around my middle as I felt him slip beside me. The hand of the arm rubbed my stomach gently. I felt soft kisses on my neck and behind my ear. Wanting to return the kisses, I rolled over. I fell promptly off the bed. Sitting on my rug I looked around wide-eyed. "Mary?" "No worries..."
I Kept Walking It was the best of times, of the worst of times... It was a very good bad day... or a very bad good day. It was something that angered me. Something that rejoiced within me. Miguel, Carlos, Jennifer and I found our way to Jittery Joe's after mass on Sunday. We had smoothies and coffee and light conversation. It was a quick jaunt; Jennifer and Carlos had to be at their respective homes rather soon. I invited Miguel over to my house to hang out. We still had not had the chance to talk about us . No, no... He'd rather go golfing today. I looked into the sky. Jennifer pronounced him mad. The rain drizzled onto the gray concrete. I nodded. When would we talk? His face was blank. About what, he asked? I tried to remind him... about us! We're not going to talk , he explained. I didn't like the message you left. I don't want to talk about it. ***flashback*** Hi, you've reached Michael Burriss... Please leave a message and I'll get b...
Jenny and the All-Night Diner She stepped into the all-night diner. Her eyes were red and puffy; she had obviously been crying. The gardenia-mocking scent of Infinity clung to her skin and her tacky polyester clothing. She sat at a table and put her head in her hands. A waitress came up to her table. "Hey, hon," she drawled. "What'll ya have?" The nametag read Jenny. Jenny had curly red hair pulled up in a ponytail. Her pink cotton uniform fit her perfectly and streched just a bit in all the right places. "Coffee," said the girl. "Anything else?" "No." The reply came short and toneless. Jenny shrugged and left the table, her pink heels, matching her uniform, clicked across the linoleum. She wasn't going to let this girl's mood let her down. She just KNEW that her boyfriend, the one who worked as a skycap at Dulles International, was going to propose soon. She could see it in his eyes; she could just feel it. ...
Tomorrow, maybe I woke up to the vibrations of my cell phone on wood. A most unpleasant sound. The time reads 0730. Groaning, I colapse onto my pillows. I reawaken at 0800. When I am again sweeter smelling and kempt, I leave the house, ever silently. 252 to Honea Path. Left at the last light. I take the directions. I drive past businesses, homes, and farms in the morning rain. Llamas, steers and horses graze in the wet grass. The llamas are my favorite... such fun looking animals. I arrive Honea Path ten minutes late. I'll be at the Black Cow between 8:30 and 9:00 9:10. I drive through town. I turn leftat what must be the last light. No where is my destination to be found. I go further down 252. There are no more lights. I retrace my steps. I, in fact, go left and right past every light. No Black Cow. After thirty minutes, I am consumed with frustration. I abandon my quest and return home. I cry. Difficult tears eventually come. I want to sob loudly and le...
I fell out of bed laced with spit and sweat It made me very cold It made me very cold I'm sha sha shakin, sha shakin' I'm sha sha shakin, I'm shakin' now I'm supposed to feel better This nightmare supposed to end I'm holding on I'm holding on I'm sha sha shakin, sha shakin' I'm sha sha shakin, I'm shakin' now -- Rooney
Nameless here forever more Sunday night. The sky is darkened with clouds. A light rain drizzles, but I'm warm and happy. At the very least, I appear quite warm and happy.... Perched in a cushy booth at Sullivan's, more than pleased to see the rich red velvet cake that has been presented to me. I reluctantly share with the man sitting across from me. Nameless here forever more. He smiles at me with those eyes... Those eyes that love me or, at the very least, want me in bed. I know and he knows that I neither love him nor wish to lie in his bed. Still, he treats me. While tearing my toffee eyes away from my sweet (the cake, friends...), I spot a friend across the room. A tall and silly, wonderfully fun friend of mine. Nameless here forever more. My friend saunters up and I introduce the two men. Could the hostility be any more evident? I engage in a quick, light-hearted yet tension-filled chat with my friend. I wink as he goes to part, and the man across from me ...